Having Essential Marketing Skills for Gaining a Business Email Database and Generating Leads.
Without proper marketing strategies, businesses can fail. We’re sharing the vital marketing skills you need to gain a B2B email database.
Are you feeling the heat? This is a handy and practical article. Check out the Make Lead Generation Work article. At the same time, you get up to speed with the latest and greatest behind building email marketing databases and making them yield results with effective marketing.
The business world can be brutal for today’s marketing professionals. While marketing tools, technology, email databases, and strategies have evolved rapidly, many clients haven’t caught up.
Deploying new efforts only to be met with resistance can be highly frustrating. Worse still, you can generate immense revenue for a client only to have your hard work go unrecognized.
You may be doing a fantastic job and still feel a bullseye pinned to your back!
The bad news is that many marketers have themselves to blame. We help our clients and businesses immensely but fail to give them the tools to measure us.
We give them great business leads and make it look so easy that they wonder if they need us!
That can end now. We can help you ditch that bullseye.
But first, let’s make sure we understand why marketing consultants are the target of so much scrutiny.
Here we go:
Businesses Use Marketing the Wrong Way
Unless a business is incredibly savvy, it often misuses marketing efforts. Marketing consultants see this repeatedly.
They come in too late to help and blame us for the failure. Or we give them a winning strategy, and they take credit for themselves!
Most businesses haven’t integrated marketing into their operations as seamlessly as a company like Red Bull. Red Bull’s branding, investment, and marketing strategy are as much part of its operations approach as manufacturing.
But cutting-edge marketers can change that approach. We can educate our clients and show them the difference between marketing efforts and developing an email database, but the company must make a conscious effort to achieve results.
If you show them what works, you’ll become an invaluable asset.
Many marketers begin by displaying the difference in quality business leads versus lead quantity.
They Mistake Business Leads for Quality Leads
With all the work to grow inbound traffic and promote Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts, many businesses ignore the quality of the actual business leads and proprietary email databases they invest in.
Marketers wear a bullseye because they don’t help their clients and organizations discern the difference between quality leads and general leads. Tracking investment to conversion is a necessity.
For example, a digital marketing effort into content creation could yield as much as a 3000% boost in inbound traffic. But it can be deceptive unless you know if this lead generation effort is linked to conversion.
Decision makers may think, “We paid for all those leads, and nothing came of them.”
Instead, tracking each effort toward conversion allows marketers to adapt to business needs and demonstrate immediate value.
Value Needs To Be Demonstrated in Real Time.
Focusing on an integrated ROI strategy allows businesses to understand every investment. They will no longer treat all business lead generation efforts the same.
Businesses Ignore ROI
These days, businesses talk about return on investment (ROI) incessantly. Many marketers and sales leaders are clueless about the accuracy of measuring and tracking real ROI.
One of the benefits of integrating digital marketing with an overall marketing strategy is having direct access to your customers. Businesses no longer require television, print, and radio mediums to spread their message effectively.
More important, though, is being able to track marketing effectively. Unfortunately, many businesses fail to tie ROI analytics into their marketing strategy.
An example surrounding business leads is that investing in a business email database and leads requires a marketing plan, strategy, and effective tactics.
“That didn’t work.” Or, “That worked great.”
Make An Informed Decision
With a binary approach, making an informed decision about how or where to invest next time is impossible. Many marketers wear a bullseye simply because they are not being accurately measured.
ROI analytics means tracking the effectiveness of the lead on a granular level. The background, source, business sector, age, revenue size, valuation, or stock price of the lead can be valuable information.
Tying this to time-to-sale, conversion, deal size, and closing costs are simple examples of changing a marketing mindset into measurable results.
Of course, each business is different. But it isn’t enough to measure results using obscure methods any longer.
When businesses develop their KPIs for marketing ROI, they will know exactly what type of business leads pay off and why. They know where to double investment efforts and where to change tactics.
Of course, marketing doesn’t always yield a fast, immediate return, which can be factored into measures.
However, many businesses are stuck in the old mindset and don’t know how to track their B2B marketing performance and measure what works.
The New Marketing Approach
Digital marketing means moving from the abstract costs of marketing and tying them directly to revenue generation.
Return on marketing investment can be measured, reported, and tracked today. Next-generation marketers don’t let their clients and businesses guess the effectiveness of any strategy.
They use proven methods with precise, trackable results. If they don’t, they develop new strategies in real time.
Or they get picked off.
Marketers need to track their contribution to each client and organization. Then you’re on your way to getting rid of that pesky target on your back.
Ditch The Bullseye
Marketers can also help ditch the bullseye. Your role can move from a mysterious cost center to a proven revenue source by integrating tracking analytics and proven, measurable strategies.
Did you know that Megaleads can help? We are pioneers in direct response and business email database marketing strategies and tactics.
Our engineers have spent more than a decade creating turn-key systems that allow marketers to generate more business using digital tactics.
We integrate digital measures and lead-generation strategies with traditional marketing techniques.
Getting the best tools and support means Megaleads can help you ditch the bullseye.
How To Get An Email Database For Free
Megaleads offers new users free leads and a free email database. At the bottom of this article, you will see a link to get your free trial account. After you create your account, text 845-293-0548 with your email address and ask for free credits on your new account. You won’t be disappointed. An email marketing database can help you grow your business and feed your marketing funnels.
Getting the Best
Don’t wait for someone to hit that target pinned to your back. Marketing professionals must educate their bosses and clients on how to get the most from every penny spent.
Megaleads will give you the tools, support, and leads to drive your business into the next phase. However, you must ensure your effort is valued and understood in every marketing effort.
Contact Megaleads now; we will help guide your organization toward the new economy.
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